Cooperate and Personal Sponsors

Fundraising, donations, and cooperate sponsorships are integral part of the long term success of our band program here at Lamar. After paying for show design, instruments, equipment, instruction, contest fees, uniforms, meals, and a myriad of other expenses, successfully running our marching band at the highest level takes a good amount of our band budget for the year. Our students front a portion of that cost through their yearly band fee as well as participating in fundraising opportunities throughout the school year. A large portion of our operating budget however comes from a network of donors and corporate sponsors that are proud to call themselves part of the Lamar Band family. If you or your business would like to donate or set up a sponsorship opportunity through the Lamar Band Boosters in order to help the Lamar band reach its full potential, this is your opportunity to do so! Attached below you will find our 2020-2021 Sponsorship Letter. This letter is set up in tiers that allow you or your business to pledge the amount that works best for you. At different levels you will receive different advertising and performance opportunities from the Lamar Band Program. All donations and sponsorships will earn you a tax receipt and will greatly help the Lamar Band Program for years to come! Please send this completed form and/or any questions to