Parent Information and Forms

To chaperone or volunteer, you must be approved through the HISD VIPS website.


We need parent support when the band travels. This can come in the form of watching over students, providing minor medical care, moving students forward, etc. Your help as a chaperone is invaluable to the band.


There are so many instances where the band needs volunteers to take on small to medium projects. From uniforms to building props to serving meals, we need parents who can step in to help get the work done.

Band Boosters

This is an organization dedicated to funding the band and managing non-performance events for students like the banquet. Being a member helps the band and being a capable leader can set the whole band up for success.


Our primary platforms for communication are this website for long-term items and the Band App for updates and announcements. Please download the app and use the QR code below to find our band. Also, please use your first and last name when requesting to join.


Physical (required)


Instrument Checkout Form

UIL Eight-Hour Rule Acknowledgement

Media Release (required)


HISD Volunteer Website (VIPS)

HISD Refund Form

Permission to Travel (every trip)


Link to Pay Fees

You can get a free physical at:

Bellaire Medical Care Group

5555 W Loop South #635


A hard-copy of your Physical is an absolute necessity before participating with the band in August.

You’ll need to purchase HISD insurance through SchoolPay if it’s not listed on the Physical

The physical for Band isn’t as comprehensive as one for Athletics.

Please tell us about yourself and how you’d like us to get in touch with you: